Assunta Napolitano Camilo
Mechanical engineer from São Paulo University (USP) Polytechnical School, in Brazil, with specialization in Industrial Administration from FCAV/USP and in Marketing from ESPM and Business School. Additionally, she attended other courses in Brazil and abroad and took part in internships in the United States and Germany.
She has over 38 years of experience in the packaging market, with expertise in the areas of development, strategic planning, and business management at Cyklop, DixieToga, TetraPak, and Ripasa. Also, a writer and international speaker, she has covered themes such as packaging, trends and innovation, sustainability, among others.
She has participated in major national and international events and fairs related to the packaging industry like InterPack, K, Emballage, Chinaplas, Canton Fair, Tokyo Pack, Envase, Anuga, Drupa, Pack Expo, Drinktec, SIAL, ISM, Ambalaj, and Andina. She has won national and international awards, including Professional of the Year in 2011 and the 2013 Embanews Brazilian Packaging Award. Currently, she is the Director of FuturePack and Instituto de Embalagens (Packaging Institute).
Simone Ruiz
Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Chemistry from Oswaldo Cruz University, with a postgraduate degree in Sustainable Projects, Climate Change and Carbon Corporate Management from Paraná State University (UFPR),
as well as pedagogical training in Chemistry. She worked for 24 years in the areas of Research and Development of Packaging, Quality and Innovation Management. She has worked at Nestlé, Mondelēz, and Antilhas Embalagens.
Simone also took courses related to packaging in the United States and Europe. She conducted projects of leading brands in Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico. She coordinated development projects for various types of packaging. She is
a coauthor of the Better Packaging. Better World. collection. Currently, Simone is Project Consultant at Instituto de Embalagens (Packaging Institute) and FuturePack.

Margaret Hayasaki
Journalist graduated from Júlio de Mesquita Filho São Paulo State University (UNESP-Bauru), with a post-graduate degree in Business Communication from Cásper Líbero Foundation. She has been involved in packaging journalism for 25 years. She has written for Embanews Magazine and is now the editor-in-chief of Pack Magazine and communications consultant at Instituto de Embalagens (Packaging Institute).

Edenilson Santos
He has a specialization in digital design at UNIFIEO (Centro Universitário FIEO) and a postgraduate degree in packaging: project management at SENAI (National Service for Industrial Learning), a pos-graduate student in Marketing, strategic management and value generation at FIA. He is currently a marketing and communication analyst at the Instituto de Embalagens.
Antonio Andrade de Paula
Chemical engineer from Brazil’s Industrial Engineering School (FEI), having attended packaging specialization courses in the United States and Germany. He has been working in the packaging market since 1976 at companies from different segments, such as converters (Toga, Itap, Overprint), films and special resins (AlliedSignal), equipment (FEVA) and technical consultant for flexible packaging. He is presently teacher at Instituto de Embalagens (Packaging Institute), coauthor of various book from Better Packaging. Better World Collection, and coordinator of the Flexible Packaging and Processes area.
Claudio Marcondes
Material engineer from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCAR). He has also post-graduation degrees in Finance Administration from FAAP, Marketing Business Administration from ESPM, Strategic Innovation Management from Unicamp, and Packaging from the Michigan State University. He has more than 28 years of experience in the areas of product and nanotechnology market development. Currently, he is a Master’s student in Materials Engineering at Unicamp and consultant in nanotechnology. He is a teacher at Instituto de Embalagens (Packaging Institute) and coordinator of the Materials area.
André Bueno de Marco
Chemical Engineer, with a postgraduate degree in Marketing and an International Executive MBA, with an executive career developed in the areas of Marketing, Export, Innovation and Strategy, currently responsible for the development of New Products and Marketing, at Klabin’s Directorate of Papers.
Christian Kroes
Graphic arts technician -(SENAI – SP), post-graduated as a cellulose and paper specialist for the Federal University of Viçoa – MG; graduate in production administration. Works in the cellulose and paper sector for about 22 years and worked for 18 years in the graphic industry. He is currently a product and technical assistance manager at Papirus S/A – paper industry.
Elcio de Sousa
Graphic technician, with a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the University of Guarulhos, and post-graduated in Production Management from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. He specialized in
Graphic Production at the Training Center for Graphic Arts in Chemnitz, in Germany, and holds a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Manufacturing Processes from the University of Campinas (Unicamp). Director of SENAI Barueri School and SENAI Theobaldo De Nigris School. Professor and consultant in several companies in the graphic arts and packaging areas; professor at the postgraduate course in Packaging Engineering at Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia and Instituto de Embalagens. He has worked in companies such as Editora Abril and Van Leer Embalagens Industriais, and is a member of ISO’s international standards committee for the graphic segment.
Fernando Sandri
Chemical Engineer, with 29 years of experience in the Paper / Cardboard sector, working in several sectors of the process, from Engineering, Productive Process, Maintenance, Products, Market, Export and Marketing. Co-author of the books: Packaging: Design, Materials, Processes and Machines and Cardboard, Paper and Micro-Corrugated Packaging. Partner at IMI – Instituto de Marketing Industrial, ABTCP – Brazilian Technical Association of Pulp and Paper, and TAPPI – Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry.
Georgia de Almeida Tavares
Engineer, 24 years of experience in companies such as: SUZANO PAPEL E CELULOSE, AHLSTROM MUNKSJÖ, MD PAPÈIS, RIPASA and COLUMBIAN CHEMICALS. Currently Senior Researcher at Suzano.
Glaucia Boner de Oliveira
She is a designer graduated in Visual Communication from the Armando Álvares Penteado School (FAAP) and post-graduated in Applied Consumer Sciences from Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM). Graphic design, packaging and visual communication professional with over 30 years of experience, participating in the creation and development of brands and packaging for companies of the most respected in the country. She develops editorial projects, campaigns and actions for marketing and communication, promotion and incentive. Participates in forums, international fairs and packaging congresses and taught design courses by the Brazilian Packaging Association, the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing and Instituto de Embalagens. Managing partner of Ideia Viva Strategic Intelligence and Communication.
Karine Nascimento Tozeli
Professional Graduated in Chemical Engineering with solid experience in the Pulp and Packaging market. Currently she works at Klabin.
Oscar Milton Volpini Junior
Chemical Engineer, graduated from UFPR, production papermaker at Klabin-PR, researcher and innovation on BASF’s global platform in chemicals for paper and cellulose. He is currently Sales Manager for Paper Coatings at BASF.
Rafael Mendes
Mechanical technician and higher technology training in Management Processes, working for 23 years in the packaging segment. 23 years at Bobst. Currently in the commercial area as commercial technical support for Brazil and South American countries.