About The Book

ABOUT THE BOOK  |   CO-AUTHORS  |  INDEX  |  SPONSORS AND SUPORTTING INSTITUTIONS |  WHERE TO BUY The bilingual collection Embalagem Melhor, Mundo Melhor – Better Packaging, Better World – which already has twelve books – was born from the idea of covering all areas of knowledge involved in the development of packaging, from its conception … Read more

Better Packaging Better World 3

ABOUT THE BOOK  |   CO-AUTHORS  |  INDEX  |  SPONSORS AND SUPORTTING INSTITUTIONS |  WHERE TO BUY WHERE TO BUY EPUB version available: The Packaging Institute provides industry professionals with up-to-date information according to their beliefs: Better Packaging, Better World! Join the Packaging Institute and receive our newsletters


Index Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Bibliography and Sponsors Unit 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE PACKAGING UNIVERSE 1.1 Global Packaging Market  |  page. 19Margaret Hayasaki 1.2 Packaging Trends   |  page. 30Assunta Napolitano Camilo 1.3 Packaging Innovations  |  page. 59Assunta Napolitano Camilo 1.4 Packaging Design |  page. 86Carolina Teixeira … Read more


CO-AUTHORS ASSUNTA NAPOLITANO CAMILO Project Director. She is a mechanical engineer from Escola Politécnica USP/Brazil, specialist in Industrial Administration from FCAV USP. Specialist in Marketing from ESPM and Business School. She in Brazil and abroad. She has more than 30 years of experience in the packaging market, with expertise in the areas of development, strategic … Read more

About The Book

ABOUT THE BOOK BETTER PACKAGING BETTER WORLD This book brings in its title Instituto de Embalagens’s belief, “Better Packaging. Better World.” We trust that the packaging knowledge should be spread in Brazil, and, with this new book, we want to extend it to the whole world in order to reach more people. Knowledge is an … Read more


Our warm thank you to our partners and special thanksto institutions all over the world that are disseminating this project. SPONSORS INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORTING MEDIA PARTNER

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