Project Director.
She is a mechanical engineer from Escola Politécnica USP/Brazil, specialist in Industrial Administration from FCAV USP. Specialist in Marketing from ESPM and Business School. She in Brazil and abroad. She has more than 30 years of experience in the packaging market, with expertise in the areas of development, strategic planning and business management: Cyklop, DixieToga, TetraPak and Ripasa. International speaker and teacher about: packaging, colors, design, trends and innovations, sustainability, among others. Participation in major national and international events and fairs related to packaging (InterPack, K, Emballage, Chinaplas, Canton Fair, Tokyo Pack, Drinks, Anuga, Drupa, Pack Expo, Packaging, Andina, etc.). Judge of the main packaging awards in Brazil. Collaborator of Anave, Assintecal, Abief e Bracelpa, among others. Coordinator of seminars from Editora Banas and Fispal. Graphics and Packaging Technology teacher in several institutions and in packaging graduation courses. She teaches packaging and coordinated the Packaging Reference kit project and other 8 books published by Instituto de Embalagens. She has won national and international awards and was elected professional of the year in 20° Embanews Award – 2011. Currently, she is the Director of FuturePack and Instituto de Embalagens.

Organization of this book.
She is mechanical engineer production processes and machinery projects. She graduated as by Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Paulo – UNESP. She has worked in logistics and packaging development for over 25 years. She worked in companies such as IBM, Continental Automotive and Robert Bosch. She has experience in projects related to transport packaging, handling, and storing solutions. She has won several awards with packaging projects and solutions for transport and storage. She coordinates the Transport packaging department at Instituto de Embalagens. She is the coauthor of others Packaging Books from Instituto de Embalagens.
Currently, she is Manager at Futurepack and Instituto de Embalagens.

Simone Ruiz
Bacharel em Química Industrial pelas Faculdades Oswaldo Cruz, com Pós-graduação em Projetos sustentáveis, mudanças climáticas e gestão corporativa de carbono pela UFPR e formação pedagógica em Química. Atuou por 24 anos na indústria, nas áreas de Pesquisa e desenvolvimento de Embalagens, Qualidade e Gestão de projetos de Inovação. Trabalhou nas empresas: Nestlé, Mondelēz e Antilhas Embalagens. Realizou cursos relacionados a embalagens nos EUA e Europa.
Liderou projetos de marcas líderes de mercado no Brasil (Sul / SE / NE), Argentina e México. Coordenou projetos de desenvolvimento de embalagens flexíveis, rígidas, papel, papelão ondulado, papel cartão, lata, adesivos, entre outros. Consultora de projetos na FuturePack e Instituto de Embalagens.

Margaret Hayasaki
Journalist from University Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquista Filho (UNESP-Bauru) with a post-graduate degree in Business Communication from the Cásper Líbero Foundation. She has been involved in packaging journalism for 15
years. She has written for Embanews Magazine and is now the editor-in-chief of Pack Magazine and communications consultant at the Instituto de Embalagens.

Edenilson Santos
Currently Designer at the Packaging Institute, with specialization in Digital Design at UNIFIEO (Centro Universitário FIEO) and post-graduated in Packaging Project Management at SENAI (National Service of Industrial Learning).
Antonio Andrade de Paula
Chemical engineer from Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial (FEI)/Brazil, having attended packaging specialization courses in the United States and Germany. He has been working in the packaging market since 1976 for companies from different segments: Toga, Itap, AlliedSignal, TIV Plastics, FEVA. In addition, he has worked as a technical consultant in the areas of flexible packaging, biodegradation, recycling, and sustainability. He is presently the co-owner of Digital Brain Consultoria e Treinamento, a company dedicated to consulting and training of packaging industry professionals. He is a teacher at Instituto de Embalagens and coordinator of the Flexible Packaging course.
Carolina Teixeira
Designer graduated from the University of Minas Gerais – UEMG and packaging specialist. Professor of Design at the University of Minas Gerais. Ministers Strategic Design classes and lectures in several institutions all over Brazil. In 2010, she taught at the Institute San Ignacio Loyola in Lima – Peru. She has been working for over 12 years in the packaging sector and currently runs her own agency, Coral Design, acting in the areas of planning and development, packaging and branding, with projects developed in Brazil, USA, Peru, and Colombia. She is a teacher and co-author of books coordinated by Instituto de Embalagens
Claudio Marcondes
Material engineer from the Federal University of São Carlos with specialization in Polymers, he has also post-graduation degrees in Financial Administration from FAAP, Marketing Business Administration from ESPM, Strategic Innovation Management from Unicamp, and Packaging from the Michigan State University. He has 25 years of experience in the areas of product development and markets. Currently, he is a Master’s student in Materials Engineering at Unicamp and Technical Services Manager at Cromex.
Carolina Nucci Nishiyamamoto
Carolina is the Communications Leader at the 3M Industrial Group in Brazil. She holds a Chemical Engineering degree from Campinas University (Unicamp), as well as a master’s degree in Marketing from Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM) and Florida International University (FIU). She has experience in journalism, project management, sales and marketing. During her five-year trajectory in the marketing area, she has worked as Product Manager in B2C and B2B markets in the construction, pharmacy, industrial, automotive and electrical segments, among others.
Elcio de Sousa
Graphic technician, with a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the University of Guarulhos, and post-graduated in Production Management from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. He specialized in
Graphic Production at the Training Center for Graphic Arts in Chemnitz, in Germany, and holds a master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Manufacturing Processes from the University of Campinas (Unicamp). Director of SENAI Barueri School and SENAI Theobaldo De Nigris School. Professor and consultant in several companies in the graphic arts and packaging areas; professor at the postgraduate course in Packaging Engineering at Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia and Instituto de Embalagens. He has worked in companies such as Editora Abril and Van Leer Embalagens Industriais, and is a member of ISO’s international standards committee for the graphic segment.
Fernando Sandri
Graduated in Chemical Engineering from EM-Universidade de Maringá. Post graduate in MBA Marketing by FGV, MBA in Strategic Management by UFPR. Over 20 years of experience in the areas of projects, mechanical pulp production, paperboard manufacturing, quality and development of new products. Currently, he is Industrial Director and Manager of FSC IBEMA Cia. Brasileira de Papel
Graciela Del Carmen V. Ortiz
Graciela is the Product Manager for Packaging Solutions at 3M in Brazil. She graduated in Advertising and Marketing and has an MBA in Marketing Management. For almost 20 years, the company has been operating in the B2C and B2B markets in the segments of food & beverage, cosmetics, hygiene, cleaning, oil & gas, paper, among others.
Juliana Millano
Graduated in Social and Legal Sciences from PUC-Campinas, post-graduated in Organizational Marketing and Strategic Business Management from UNICAMP and MBA in Business Administration from BSP. He started his career at Avery Dennison and is currently Marketing Manager Brazil and Argentina at Markem-Imaje.
Rogério Costa de Mira
Graduated in Electrical Engineering, more than 15 years of professional experience in automation (industrial coding), working in the technical and commercial areas. Developed and implemented several technical projects related to coding technologies and software, providing solutions and improvements for various industries.
In the commercial area, he has led pre-sales and sales of global accounts. He has a solid background in all the technologies of codification and transfer of knowledge, conducting presentations and training.