Assunta Napolitano Camilo

Mechanical engineer from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (USP), in Brazil, with specialization in Industrial Administration from the Carlos Alberto Vanzolini Foundation (FCAV/USP) and in Marketing from the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM) and Business School. Additionally, she attended other courses in Brazil and abroad and took part in internships in the United States and Germany. She has over 40 years of experience in the packaging market, with expertise in the areas of development, strategic planning and business management, having worked with Cyklop, Dixie Toga, Tetra Pak, and Ripasa. Also, a writer and international speaker, she has covered themes such as packaging, trends, innovation and sustainability, among others. She has participated in major national and international events and fairs, such as InterPack, K, Emballage, Chinaplas, Canton Fair, Tokyo Pack, Envase, Anuga, Drupa, Pack Expo, Drinktec, SIAL, ISM, Ambalaj and Andina. She has won several national and international awards, including the 2011 Embanews Professional of the Year and the 2013 Brazilian Packaging Embanews Award. Currently, she is the Director of FuturePack and Instituto de Embalagens (Packaging Institute).mente, é diretora do Instituto de Embalagens e da Consultoria FuturePack.

Simone Ruiz

Bachelor of Industrial Chemistry, from Faculdades Oswaldo Cruz, with a postgraduate degree in Sustainable Projects, Climate Changes and Corporate Carbon Management, from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), MBA in Strategic Planning and Management from Uninter. She has been working for more than 30 years in the packaging market, with experience in the areas of packaging research and development and management of innovation and sustainability projects. She worked for companies, such as Nestlé, Mondelēz and Antilhas Embalagens, and she has taken courses related to packaging in the United States and Europe. She led projects of leading brands in Brazil, Argentina and Mexico. For more than six years at the Instituto de Embalagens, she coordinates courses and workshops on packaging and is the coordinator and co-author of five books in the Embalagem Melhor Mundo Melhor collection. She also works as a senior consultant at FuturePack consultancy, coordinating research and development projects for new markets, packaging, materials and processes.

Margaret Hayasaki

Journalist graduated from the Júlio de Mesquita Filho São Paulo State University (UNESP-Bauru), with a post-graduate degree in Business Communications from Cásper Líbero Foundation. She has been working in journalism specializing in packaging for over 25 years. She has written for Embanews Magazine and is now the editor-in-chief of Pack Magazine and a communications consultant at Instituto de Embalagens (Packaging Institute).

Edenilson Santos

Bachelor in Digital Design from Centro Universitário Fundação Instituto de Ensino para Osasco (UNIFEO), with a postgraduate degree in Packaging Project Management, from the National Service for Industrial Learning (Senai). Postgraduate in Marketing, Strategic Management and Value Generation at Fundação Instituto de Administração (FIA). He has been working at the Instituto de Embalagens for ten years and currently is a marketing and communications analyst. He has been participating in the main national and international fairs and events related to packaging: Interpack, K, All4Pack, SIAL, Andina and Envase.

Valeska Domingues

Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the Centro Universitário Fundação Instituto de Ensino para Osasco (UNIFEO), and postgraduate degree in Business Management from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. She has worked for over 20 years in the administrative, financial and organizational management areas. She has attended to the Canton Fair, the largest multi-sector fair in the world, held in China. She is the administrative coordinator of the Instituto de Embalagens.


Antonio Bugatti JÚNIOR Precision Mechanical Technologist, from Faculdade de Tecnologia de São Paulo (FATEC-SP), post-graduated in Mechanical Production Engineering, from Universidade São Judas Tadeu, MBA in Project Management, from Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU). He has been working for 25 years with technical applications of packaging machines, developing solutions for the most diverse variety of products. He spend 11 years with Fabrima Máquinas Automáticas and has been with Multivac do Brasil for the last 14 years, where he coordinates the applications team and is responsible for the Innovation Center, in Brazil.

Bianca Voloshyn Nogueira Graduated in Nutrition and Marketing, from the University of São Paulo (USP). Post-graduated in Development of New Food Products, from the Faculty of Technology SENAI Horácio Augusto da Silveira. Marketing professional with experience in marketing management and strategy, market intelligence and category and product marketing. Category Specialist for Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverage at Owens-Illinois.

Célia Freitas Graduated in Physics, from PUC-SP, postgraduate degree in Marketing Administration from FAAP (Álvares Penteado Foundation). She has been working for the Terphane group for over 35 years. She began her career at Rhodia Têxtil, in the Polymer Technology Center. She actively participated in the development of flexible packaging in Brazil, such as stand-up pouch packaging for tomato sauces and cleaning products. She is currently Market Development Manager at Terphane.

Clairton Araujo Managing Director of Bizerba do Brasil Ltda. Former director of German and US companies. Board Member of international companies. Vice President of the Brazilian Association of Manufacturers of Scales, Weights and Measures, Permit Holders and Importers – ABRAPEM. MBA Professor of Business Strategy, Accounting and Finance at FGV, USP amongst others. PhD from the Universidade Nova, from Lisbon, in Statistics & Information System, MSc and Graduate in Accounting and Finance from the Catholic University of São Paulo and Member of IBEF / SP – Brazilian Institute of Finance Executives and CRC / SP Regional Accounting Council of São Paulo.

Claudio Marcondes Materials engineer, from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCAR). Post-graduation in Finance Administration, from FAAP, Marketing Business Administration, from ESPM, Strategic Management of Technological Innovation from Unicamp, and Packaging, from the Michigan State University. He has been operating in the plastic market for over 28 years, developing products, markets and new applications. In recent years, he has been working nanotechnology market development. Currently, he is a master’s student in Materials Engineering, at Unicamp, and a consultant in nanotechnology, a teacher and co-author of various books at the Instituto de Embalagens.

Cobi Cruz Cobi Cruz is a musician, writer, columnist, speaker, consultant, and designer, with more than 25 years of national and international experience in communication and planning of organic products for small and large brands, such as Jasmine, IBD, Quina Amarela, Oitavo Mar, Vapza, Organic Brasil, among many others. He is currently the executive director of Organis, an entity that has been gaining significant recognition in its mission to promote Brazilian organic products, in Brazil and worldwide.

Elcio de Sousa Graphic arts technician, with a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, from the University of Guarulhos, post-graduate in Production Management, from the Federal University of Santa Catarina, post-graduate in Graphic Production, from the Training Center for Graphic Arts, in Chemnitz – Germany. Director of SENAI Barueri School and College SENAI São Paulo – Campus Theobaldo De Nigris – Mooca, teacher and consultant for several companies in the areas of packaging and graphic arts, guest professor in courses at the Instituto de Embalagem and at the Mauá Technology Institute; Technical Director at ABIGRAF – Brazilian Association of the Graphic Industry and ABRO – Brazilian Association with Web Offset Companies and coordinator in the social movement ODS Barueri (Sustainable Development Goal). He has worked in companies such as Editora Abril, Van Leer Packaging Industrials and member of the international ISO standards committee for the graphic segment.

Eric Fresnel  Graduated in Business Administration, from an American university, with a specialization in industrial marketing. He joined Sleever International in 1980, where he successively held positions in sales, marketing management, and general management. He is currently, the president of Sleever International.

Eliane Romero Graduated in Letters, from the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Fundação Santo André (FSA), post-graduated in Business Management, from the University of São Caetano do Sul (USCS), she has been working for 29 years in the packaging sector. She is currently Commercial Director at Silgan White Cap do Brasil Ltda., a global leading company in the twist-off metal caps segment.

Felipe Madruga de Oliveira MBA in Business Management, from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), graduated in Control and Automation Engineering, from FAC Campinas; Mechanical technician from Instituto Paula Sousa – Bento Quirino; aircraft mechanic trained in the Basic and Powerplant Group modules. Technical assistance coordinator at Ulma Packaging for around 12 years; specialization in Packaging Machines at Ulma – Spain. More than 22 years of industrial experience. He is currently technical and commercial manager at Evertis.

Glaucia Boner de Oliveira Graduated in Visual Communication from Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado; post-graduate in Applied Consumer Sciences, from Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing – ESPM. Professional in graphic design, packaging and visual communication, with over 30 years of experience and participation in the creation and development of brands and packaging for the most renowned companies in the country. She develops packaging projects, editorials, campaigns and marketing and communication, promotion and incentive projects. She participates in packaging forums, international fairs and conferences and has taught design courses at the Brazilian Packaging Association and at the Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing – ESPM. She is managing partner of Ideia Viva Inteligência Estratégica e Comunicação and a teacher at the Instituto de Embalagens.

Graciela Del Carmen V. Ortiz Graduated in Advertising and Marketing, with specialization in Marketing, from the Escola Superior de Administração, Marketing e Comunicação (ESAMC). She is co-author of the book Soft Skills – far beyond a diploma. She has more than 20 years of experience in different market segments, working for large companies, such as 3M and Pastifício Selmi. She is currently product manager for Latin America at Videojet.

Guilherme Presa Arcuri Mechanical Engineer graduated from Mauá Engineering School (EEM). He is a co-owner of Symbios-Pack & Arki Packaging, exclusive distributors of the world’s leading manufacturers of packaging equipment and systems, and a member of the board of directors of Igaratiba, Moltec, and Tiba.

Henrique Presa Arcuri Graduated in Mechanical Production Engineering, from Mauá Engineering School (EEM), with an MBA in Business Management, from FGV -Fundação Getúlio Vargas. He is a co-owner of Symbios-Pack & Arki Packaging and a member of the board of directors of Igaratiba, Moltec, and Tiba, references in the packaging and houseware market.

João Vicente Tuma Bachelor of Science in Production Engineering from the Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (USP) and MBA in Business Administration from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV). He has been working for more than 30 years in the manufacture of metal packaging in Brasilata, in the areas of industrial and product development and innovation. He is the technical director and a shareholder.

Marco Antonio Vasco Graduated in Industrial Engineering from Braz Cubas University, mechanical technician from Escola Técnica Federal de São Paulo and postgraduate in Business Administration, from Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL). He has more than 31 years of experience in the packaging sector, with solid knowledge in printing processes, lamination, film extrusion and quality systems management. He held leadership positions at companies, such as Dixie Toga, Itap, Mabel and Teruel. He is currently industrial manager at Celocorte, where he has worked since 2012.

Matheus Henrique Seabra Rosa Chemical Engineer, graduated from the Universidade de São Paulo – USP, with specialization in Plastics and Rubber Processing, from the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ and a postgraduate degree in Leadership and Innovation, from Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV. He currently is R&D manager at Valgroup, in the industrial films segment, and has nine years of experience in research and development of shrink and stretch films.

Miguel Ascoli He has been operating in the packaging market for 47 years. He began his career in the sector in 1976, at Polipel, a company that was purchased in the 1980s by Alcan, now Amcor. He worked at Multipack, a paint and varnish manufacturer, Petropack, Celocorte and Centroplast. In 1999, he invested in his own business, a pre-cut BOPP label company, Labeltech, which was sold to Grupo SOL in 2004. From 2004 to 2018, he served as R&D and Innovation manager at Embalagens Flexíveis Diadema. Since 2018, he has been co-founder and director of R&D and commercial at Allianza Brasil, a chemical company specializing in functional coatings.

Newton Himawari Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo (USP). Postgraduate in Logistics and Distribution at Fundação Instituto de Administração (FIA). He has always worked in the packaging industry, having started his career in the Packaging Laboratory of the Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas (IPT). He is an instructor and consultant in transport packaging and cargo lashing. He has 29 years of professional experience with packaging, working for companies such as Sharp, Suzano, Gradiente and Adezan.

Osvaldo V. Cristo Graduated in Engineering, he has been working in the Printing Industry for 25+ years, in companies such as Compugraph, Scitex, Agfa, Purup, Eskofot and Esko Graphics, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen for Latin America, and Hewlett-Packard, also for Latin America, where he worked as Product/Division Manager, Business Developer and Economic Engineering.

Ricardo Cristofalo Lopes Graduated in Engineering, from UNISANTA (Universidade Santa Cecília) and MBA in Business Management. He has been with Wheaton for 28 years, where he started as an engineer and after, managed the product development and marketing department. He is currently commercial and marketing director.

Roberto Castilho Chemical engineer graduated from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar), MBA from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) and specialization in project management. With 21 years of experience, he has worked for companies such as A. Schulman, Henkel, ZF Sachs, Vitopel and Grupo Votorantim. He has been at LyondellBasell for 12 years, where he works as sales director for Latin America, responsible for masterbatches, resins and special powders.

Silvio Rotta Electrical engineer graduated from Escola de Engenharia Mauá (EEM), with a postgraduate degree in Industrial Administration, from Fundação Carlos Alberto Vanzolini (FCAV/USP), and Commercial Management, from the Alcoa University, in the United States. He became responsible for Krones commercial area in Brazil, in 2007. He is currently Head of Sales at Krones for Latin America.

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