ABOUT THE BOOK  |   CO-AUTHORS  |  INDEX  |  SPONSORS AND SUPORTTING INSTITUTIONS |  WHERE TO BUY Here’s how to acquire the book Better Packaging Better World below. BUY EPUB version available: The Packaging Institute provides industry professionals with up-to-date information according to their beliefs: Better Packaging, Better World! Join the Packaging Institute and receive our … Read more


ABOUT THE BOOK  |   CO-AUTHORS  |  INDEX  |  SPONSORS AND SUPORTTING INSTITUTIONS |  WHERE TO BUY Our warm thank you to our partners and special thanksto institutions all over the world that are disseminating this project. SPONSORS SUPORT SUPORTTING INSTITUTIONS MEDIA PARTNERS The Packaging Institute provides industry professionals with up-to-date information according to their beliefs: … Read more


ABOUT THE BOOK  |   CO-AUTHORS  |  INDEX  |  SPONSORS AND SUPORTTING INSTITUTIONS |  WHERE TO BUY Index Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Bibliography and Sponsors Unit 1 INTRODUCTION TO THE PACKAGING UNIVERSE 1.1 Global packaging market |   pág. 20 Margaret Hayasaki 1.2 Consumer Trends   |   pág. 27 … Read more

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